6% Real Estate commissions, Dumb Americans!
I know that the commission is split between the selling and listing agent and then again between the broker and the agent. But that is still roughly $12,000 each. But the $48,000 is still allot of money to sell your home. If you cut a deal with your agent you might be able to reduce the commission to 4% if your listing broker and selling broker are one in the same. But I see a problem, why should a selling agent sell your house for 3% when he/she has more then they can sell at 6%. So your house just sits.... Nothing will change until the entire Real Estate industry changes. There needs to be an across the board reduction in the commission structure period. There need to be an end to the absurd amount of money we pay to sell our homes. 08/14/2007 Burning our food, Dumb Americans!
Look at this government site www.fueleconomy.gov or look at GM site pushing Flex-fuel cars www.gm.com. All push the idea of burning our food (bio fuel) for fueling our cars. We start using grain to make ethanol gasoline also know as bio fuel for automobiles because it is renewal. Then look at what is happening to the price of our food. As we burn more grain the cost of feed for live stock starts going up. The price increase in grain will work its way to your table as higher prices for milk, meat and grain based products (breads and breakfast cereals). The basics food needs for all us. Do not forget that the farmer needs grain for his live stock. That live stock is used to make milk, cheese and other dairy based products. So if we keep burning grain to fuel our cars, that puts a higher demand on grain and prices go up. And food prices will continue to go up as we migrate from petroleum fuels to grain based fuels.
We need to stop burning our food to power our cars! Before you know it we will be all starving to death as we drive our cars powered by our renewable, green fuel. As we will not be able to buy food due to the ever increasing price, or there will no be any food to buy.
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